OTPs | In Honor Of... #1
12:00 PMI knew that I wanted to make a Valentine's Day-related post in which I talk about some of my most cherished OTPs (One True Pairing), but I didn't know that this idea would develop into a larger idea of a series that I am now calling In Honor Of(...). Basically, I will be inspired by a holiday, a time, an event in general, or even a specific feeling and come up with a (mostly) bookish list that relates to this inspiration. Simple enough. What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than with a discussion of OTPs?
These pairings are taken from media across-the-board: TV, movies, and, of course, books. They are not ranked or listed in any specific order. I will try to limit this list to only my main ships or else we could be here for days but, really, who doesn't love talking about love?! Also, only those ships that exist in television and/or movies will have pictures because I'm not quite sure about the legality/etiquette of using fan art. Finally, there will be spoilers in some sections so just proceed with caution. Enough disclaimers; let's get on with the list.
Friday Night Lights
I cannot, in good conscience, make a list of my OTPs without including those from my favorite television show ever.
Tim Riggins has chemistry with almost anyone. I could ship him with Tyra and it would make sense. I could pair him with Becky and I could, begrudgingly, make it work (but I will never). Despite this chemistry that just oozes out of Riggins, there was, and always will be, only one person I ship him with: Lyla Garrity. Yeah, yeah, their relationship started as cheating. I don't care. Seeing these two together is electric; this picture is bringing back so many memories and feelings, it's incredible. While the two appear to be really different, they work together incredibly well. They balance each other out and look gorgeous while doing it. If Riggins calling Lyla "Ms. Garrity" doesn't give you serious butterflies, I don't know what will. Needless to say, I don't accept the series-ending implication of a future Tim/Tyra reunion.

Jess Merriweather and Vince Howard
A lot can be said about this relationship. One of the things that I like most about it is that, in the end, Jess doesn't squash her dreams of becoming a coach to stay in Dillon with Vince. We see him practicing, the new star quarterback of the Panthers super-team. We see her coaching at another high school. They (presumably) aren't together. Throughout the parts of their relationship that we see in seasons 4 and 5, Jess and Vince fight, they cry together, they support each other, and, through it all, they care for each other. Deeply. There is a spark and a heat between them that I never felt between Jess and Landry. For me, it was always Jess and Vince. I don't think that neither (especially Vince) would be where they are at the end of the series without one another.
And, for fun, let's include a NoTP: Julie Taylor and Matt Saracen. Matt is one of my favorite characters on this show and, of course, I wanted him to find love and be happy. For some reason, though, I just never shipped him with Julie as much as I think I was supposed to. Sorry, kids.
The 100
The TV version. This is a little weird because both of my OTPs from this show consist of the same one person. Oops!
Clarke Griffin and Lexa
Where do I begin? Betrayal, ulterior motives, undeniable sexual tension. If there is a Clarke Griffin-related ship that stands the test of time, I do think it would be this one. These two have a lot of stuff to work through, that much is clear, and I think that they will - eventually. I don't see a big hookup happening in the near future (as much as Lexa wants that to happen, let's be real), but their is a mutual respect between these two that is really, really attractive to me. May I just say a few simple words: Lexa bows to Clarke. That scene was so gay, you guys. I
Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake
Oh, boy. You never really know what you are going to get when these two interact. We have come so far since the days when Bellamy wanted to cut off Clarke's hand to get her monitoring bracelet, haven't we? My love for Bellarke comes and goes. Most recently, episode 2 of season 3 had me absolutely head over heels for this ship. Now, though, with the two separated once again and Bellamy making stupid, rash decisions in his grief, I'm not so sure (don't even get me started down this road). If anything that the series head (whose name will not be mentioned here because he sucks) says is true, there probably isn't much hope for this ship in the future. For now, though, I can dream. And read lots of fanfiction. Look at this picture... even Octavia has to bow her head to escape from the suffocating chemistry between these two.
And, for fun (isn't this so fun?), a non-romantic pairing: Raven Reyes and happiness. Can we give this girl a break? Please!? Raven is probably my favorite character on this show and that is saying a lot. I want her to be happy (look how beautiful it is when she smiles!) and safe and free of guilt. I want her to be a genius mechanic and be really good friends with Sinclair and I just want her to not get tortured anymore, whether by herself or by others. I love her so much. I'm sorry you are done so dirty, Raven.
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
By Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Aristotle Mendoza and Dante Quintana
Of course, this ship will make the list. I think about this book all of the time. I think about these characters so, so frequently. From the first few interactions between these two, I knew I was sold on this relationship. I didn't, however, know that my desire for the two to actually be together would come true. When it did, I absolutely lost it. These boys work so well with one another and their friendship alone is something to be cherished. This is one of those stories that I will always have a very, very special place for in my heart. I am ecstatic that Sáenz is writing a sequel and I can only hope that it is not full of angst. Please.
Six of Crows
by Leigh Bardugo
Wylan Van Eck and Jesper Fahey
I honestly get offended on behalf of these two when people say they are just friends. They may not be together yet, but they are definitely on their way. Their flirting and banter brings much needed relief to this teetering-on-the-edge plot and I love the dynamic between them. I really hope that Crooked Kingdom includes more from Wylan's point of view so that I can see how he is really feeling towards Jesper (he loves him).
Kaz Brekker and Inej Ghafa
Some of the best lines in this book came from either Kaz or Inej to one another. The chemistry is there, the adoration is there. I don't even care if they never make things official because I am actually totally content with their dynamic as it stands now. I am really looking forward to these characters in Crooked Kingdom, especially because of what is happening to them - I can foresee Kaz being very, very flustered without the Wraith. Bring it on, Bardugo. And maybe a kiss. But I won't be picky.
Les Misérables
Based on the 2012 movie and stage adaptations (I haven't read the entire book, only select passages that relate to this ship).

They die holding hands (in the movie). That's all I have to say and it is not fair to me. Despite exposure to the musical before the movie came out, these characters will always look, to me, like they did in the movie. I thought that these two portrayals were absolutely spot-on and full of hints to this wonderful ship. Apart from Clexa/Bellarke, this pairing is the only other one that I read the fan fiction for and it is heartbreaking and beautiful all at the same time.
The Killing
I'm typing this about 30 seconds before this post is scheduled to go up but I just remembered this pairing so I need to write one quick thing about it.
Stephen Holder and Sarah Linden
All I have to say is: ouch. I shipped these two throughout the entire series and what I was left with? Ouch. "But I think, maybe, that home was us. It was you and me together in that stupid car, riding around, smoking cigarettes." What a great quote to end this post with. After all, aren't OTPs supposed to cause us pain?
So, let me know. What are your top ships? Your NoTPs? Do you prefer couples that are grounded in canon or completely non-canonical?