ON MY RADAR | April 2016

I have a lot of blogging planned for April. I also have work, TV shows to watch (mainly Fixer Upper - I have downloaded all of the episodes because my life is a mess), and watercolors to paint with. April is also Camp NaNoWriMo (more to come on that tomorrow), which, let's be honest, I'm not entirely prepared for. Of course, reading will be happening somewhere in the middle of all of that.

Writer's Block | March Owlcrate Unboxing

You can find more information about Owlcrate here. I purchased this box with my own money and I am in no way affiliated with Owlcrate. It goes without saying that this post reveals what the March box holds, so read at your own risk.

It has been a few months since I last received an Owlcrate box (November was the last one I purchased) but, when I heard the theme for the March offering, I couldn't resist. With Camp NaNoWriMo coming up and because I am (struggling through) planning a novel, a box based around writer's block seemed to be a perfect fit for my current situation. I was spoiled on one of the items in this month's box and, truth be told, my expectations really dropped after that. Did the items and book meet those lowered expectations? Let's find out.

Spring Break | In Honor Of... #2

Yeah, yeah, I have graduated college and no longer get the privilege of having a spring break. That doesn't mean that I can't appreciate it when it rolls around, right? Spring break signifies that turning of the seasons, the start of warmer weather and greener grass. For me, knowing that others are on break means that there is finally going to be some natural growth when I look outside. I have been feeling very boxed-in, stressed out, and discouraged thanks to the lingering Michigan winter so trust me when I say that spring break is a marker of time and forward-movement that I will stay excited for.

In honor of spring break, here are some of my favorite books that feature road trips, travel, or non-winter settings.

2016 Fantasy Baseball | Team Introduction

It's that time of year again. The baseball season starts in about a month (give or take) and, on Saturday night, my 8-team fantasy league held our draft. As the league manager, I had first pick (an opportunity that I take very seriously) and, all in all, I don't think I did too shabby. Check out my full squad under the cut. Note: commentary will range from okay-at-best to "I like this guy."

ON MY RADAR | March 2016

In the last week and a half of February, I fell into a deep disinterested reading slump. Needless to say, my stats are not that impressive. I read 7 books for a total of 2626 pages. My average rating was 3.21 stars. Out of those 7 books, my favorite was Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys and my least favorite was A Criminal Magic by Lee Kelly. I only read 3 of the 6 books that were on my February OMR and completed 3 Popsugar challenge prompts.

I am currently reading Illusive by Emily Lloyd-Jones and am hoping I can stick to it and enjoy it and not put it down like 3 of the last 4 books I've picked up.
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